Make the Move to Online Testing Software
OPAC Software Licensing Options
OPAC Testing Software is part of the TestGenius skills testing suite. We offer the following licensing option:
- Annual Online – The Annual Online license allows for any number of test administrations, either remotely or proctored, through our online testing platform. Clients can create batteries of tests from off-the-shelf test content or custom-written tests, that can be emailed through our invitation management system to applicants who can test from the comfort of their own homes (or in a proctored setting if clients so choose). This license includes unlimited technical support and training, and the software is updated automatically during the license period! License holders are able to renew at the same cost (no price increases) as long as they continue to renew from year-to-year.
Selecting the best, valid and defensible employment tests is an important job. We would be happy to discuss the TestGenius software and licensing in more detail with you and provide a demo with price quote to help you with your research and decision-making process.
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